Planet Corona: words, voices, poems, waves, plague, death, breath and starlight

Death gives you insight into where the epidemic was, not where it is. Fast moving — Think starlight. That light isn’t from now, it’s from however long it took to get here. Thus begins Planet Corona, artist Mark Amerika’s dark satire documenting life in America during the early months of the worst viral pandemic in …

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The title of Mark Amerika’s solo exhibition, There is no rewind button for life, is taken from a quote from the late video artist Nam June Paik. The exhibition will take place at Maus Hábitos art gallery as part of the Vivarium Festival and features six video works from Amerika’s extensive collection of moving image …


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FATAL ERROR: artificial creative intelligence (ACI)

Mark Amerika’s new art project, a speculative form of Artificial Creative Intelligence (ACI), is titled FATAL ERROR and was recently accepted for performance and/or installation events at both CHI 2024 in Honolulu and WeRobot 2024 in Ottawa. CHI is the premiere international conference of Human-Computer Interaction where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world …

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“Remixing Persona: An Imaginary Digital Media Object” Published With Open Humanities Press

Open Humanities Press is delighted to announce the first publication in its new series, MEDIA : ART : WRITE : NOW. Remixing Persona: An Imaginary Digital Media Object from the Onto-Tales of the Digital Afterlife by MALK (Mark Amerika / Laura Kim) Remixing Persona is comprised of two components: a visual manifesto that doubles as …

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